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How Can an LGBT Estate Planning Lawyer in Chicago Help You?

Estate planning is extremely important, yet can be very tricky. There are a lot of moving parts that must be dealt with in order for your plan to be complete. Working on your estate alone can put you at a great disadvantage, as you may not know all the steps you have to take. With many factors involved including wills and trusts, power of attorney, revocable living trusts, title to property, and more, it’s important that you have a seasoned lawyer by your side. A lawyer will be able to assist you with any estate planning issues that may arise,...
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Legal Protections for LGBTQ Individuals & Gay Marriage

As of December 13, 2022, the Respect for Marriage Act  enshrining same-sex marriage into the US Consitution, was passed to provide legal protection nationwide. This long-awaited legislation offers federal protections for same-sex couples across the country. Prior to this past December, the laws protecting the LGBTQ community were as confusing as they were varied, differing from state to state. Some states provided full protection, while other states provided partial protections, and still other states provided none. Fortunately, our home state of Illinois is one of the states that was early to provide full protection for all members of the LGBTQ...
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Happy New Year from Jill

A MESSAGE FROM JILL METZ Progress continues as the remarkable momentum for marriage equality has grown such that 35 states now recognize marriage for same-sex couples. In 2013, 34% of Americans lived in marriage equality states. As we start 2015, 70% of Americans live in marriage equality states. Last year brought the most significant nondiscrimination protection to LGBT people in history with the signing of an executive order to protect LGBT federal workers. In addition, the federal government has upheld the 2013 DOMA decision by the U.S. Supreme Court by recognizing the marriages of same-sex couples for almost all federal...
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Single people need estate plans, too

An estate plan is the best way to protect your safety and your legacy A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that estate planning is only important if you have a partner or children that you want to pass something on to. In reality, though, it is just as important – and perhaps even more important – for single people to have an estate plan in place. Avoiding intestate succession When a person dies without a will in place, their assets are distributed according to a formula set forth in state law. This is called “intestate succession.” Basically,...
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Are you prepared with a durable power of attorney?

A durable power of attorney can provide broad powers to a trusted agent in the event you suffer some form of incapacity An estate plan can be many different things to different people. For some, they may believe their will is their “estate plan” and that that is all they need. For others, estate planning has become a sophisticated game, where they have multiple trusts set up to wring the greatest possible tax savings out of their large and varied collection of assets. Moreover, there is everything in between those two extremes. One thing your estate plan should be is...
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